The following articles have been written by, or are about our members or the activities of the Association. These articles are published here in the language in which they are received, be-it English or Afrikaans.
Beskermde Bome deur Lou Coetzer
Die Verwarring oor Witstinkhout deur Lou Coetzer
Gevaar Akomstig van Hout deur Lou Coetzer
Kontroversie oor Populêre Plantname deur Lou Coetzer
OX Wagon: Article by Paul Roberts
Knysna Timber Festival 2017 by Paul Roberts (updated)
Preparation of Wood: From Rough to Smooth, Straight and Square by Paul Roberts – updated 26 Sep 2017
Lock Mitre Setting – Article out of Fine Woodworking
The President Tree contributed by Lou Coetzer
Metodes om tafelblaaie te maak/Methods to make table tops (In Afrikaans and English)
Beits en spuitverf vir houtwerkers (In Afrikaans)
Speelgoed vir ‘n skool (in Afrikaans)
A Good Turn by At Smit
“White Spirits” – Deel 1 (in Afrikaans)
Superglue (in Afrikaans)
Beskermde bome (in Afrikaans)
Knoetse (in Afrikaans)
Fibonacci (in Afrikaans)
Houtanatomie in praktyk (in Afrikaans)