Becoming a member of the Woodworking Association of Pretoria has many advantages to the woodworking enthusiast. Not only are you sharing a common interest, there is a lot to learn from each other. At the monthly meeting, we always have a speaker that will explain an aspect of woodworking.
Apart from that, there are the hands-on sessions at the separate meetings from our major interest groups. There you will learn a great deal and share loads of information with other people. Most of our members are experts in their fields with knowledge you cannot find in books.
Membership is encouraged. Feel free to download the membership form. Fill it in right away and start sharing the wonderful world of woodworking…
Membership Fees
The membership fees for the Association may, if deemed necessary, be revised at the Annual General Meeting at the beginning of each year. The current fees are:
Entry fee for all new members (name tag): R80.00
Annual fees:
Ordinary membership R220.00
Juniors (under 21 years of age) / students R110.00
(Please add R50.00 to the fee if you are going to do a cash deposit.)
- Application for membership is subject to approval by Management.
- Membership is valid between January and December, after which renewal will be required.
- Applications for membership received between 1 January and 30 June of any year are calculated on a full year’s subscriptions.
- Applications for membership received between 1 July and 30 September are calculated on 50% of a year’s subscription. This reduction is only applicable to subscriptions and not the name tags. Applications received between 1 October and
31 December of each year will receive 15 months subscription. The fee payable will be the fee for a full year’s subscription. - New fees will take effect on 1 January of each year
Application Forms
Download either an English or an Afrikaans application form in PDF format. Complete the form and email it to the Membership Committee Member (
Application-for-membership Download
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