Cabinet Makers and Restorers Group

These members are interested in the discipline of woodworking that involves the creation of cabinets as well as fine wooden furniture, and also in furniture restoration. The cabinetmakers normally meet on the second Saturday of each month, at the various workshops of members to exchange ideas and information and to demonstrate techniques. They work according to an annual program and their work forms a major part of the annual exhibition of members’ work. Click here to view their program – calendar or summary.

See the “Upcoming Events” section for more detail of future meetings, and the “Past Events information” section for previous topics.

The Group’s objectives are to get our members involved, active and to fuel our passion for woodworking.

The objectives are:

1. To inspire more members to get active in woodworking

2. To assist beginner members by way of a mentorship process

3. To learn more from each other by building the same project through Focus Groups

4. To get more items of cabinetry at the annual exhibition.

5. To encourage members to inform us of their projects by “show and tell”.


The following members with the necessary experience and know-how have declared themselves willing to act as mentors at no charge. That means that other members may contact them to arrange for training. This is how it works:

1. Appointments for training will be entirely at the convenience of the Mentor.
2. It will not be demonstrations but actual practical hands on participation of the Trainee member.
3. Trainee members must be willing to bring along their own wood, chisels (and other items)
4. Please consult the Membership List for contact details of the Mentors

Training offered                        Mentor

  • Hand tool sharpening                             Louw Trichardt
  • Wood turning for furniture                    Willie Marneweck
  • Basic preparation of rough planks       Paul Roberts
  • Spray application of finish                     Willie Marneweck


Die volgende lede met die nodige ervaring en kennis het hulle bereid verklaar om teen geen vergoeding hulle as mentors beskikbaar te stel. Dit beteken dat ander lede hulle kan kontak om ‘n reëlingte tref vir opleiding. Dit werk so:

1. Afsprake vir opleiding sal geheel en al volgens die Mentor se gerief wees.
2. Dit sal nie demonstrasies wees nie, maar werklike praktiese saamdoen van die Leerling lid
3. Leerling lede moet bereid wees om hulle eie hout, beitels (en ander lemme vir
skerpmaak), spuitgewere, ens, saam te bring na die Mentor se werkwinkel.
4. Raadpleeg asb die Ledelys vir die Mentors se kontakbesonderhede

Opleiding aangebied                         Mentor

  • Hand gereedskap skerpmaak                           Louw Trichardt
  • Hout draaiwerk vir meubels                              Willie Marneweck
  • Basiese voorbereiding van rowwe planke       Paul Roberts
  • Spuit aanwending van afwerking                      Willie Marneweck

Focus Groups

One of the activities to learn from each other is to work on the same project simultaneously – this is done through Focus Groups. We aim to run these common projects concurrently and are on a Basic, Advanced or Masterpiece level to ensure that all members across all skill levels can participate.

As an example, you can join a group that makes a chess board (Basic), a jewelry box or chair (Advanced), or maybe a Fine Woodworking Workbench or Lowboy (Masterpiece).

These focus groups will meet a few times during the project to discuss and share their progress, tips and techniques.

Annual Exhibition

The highlight on the association’s calendar is each year’s Exhibition in October. Cabinet Making and Restoration items are judged according to the skill levels required to make the project, Basic, Advanced or Masterpiece.

Entries will be judged according to the following criteria for items entered in the cabinet making and restoration categories. The documents are available in PDF and Excel format. Please note that part 1 must be completed by the exhibitor before the Exhibition.

Cabinet Judging Criteria                    PDF          Excel

Restoration Judging Criteria             PDF          Excel

Management Committee and Enquiries

This group’s management committee members are:

  • Francois van Aswegen, Co-ordination and management as well as contact with the CM&R membership;
  • Peter Honegger
  • Dave Turner
  • Cathy Rautenbach